Subfile Example - RPGLE
Language(s):I-Series - RPGLE

Comments=Simple Name List program, demonstrates: 1) Dynamic subfile creation. 2) Iterative subfile processing. 3) Adding/changing/deleting records. 4) Reading the cursor positiong from the INFDS. 5) Positioning the cursor on a subfile line. 6) Positioning in the subfile via lookup.

     F** - Source Member: NMELSTR
     F** - Simple Name List Program
     F** - RPGLE Supfield Example
     F** - Jon Vote 09/2002
     F** -
     F** - This program demonstrates the following:
     F**   1) Dynamic subfile creation.
     F**   2) Iterative subfile processing.
     F**   3) Adding/changing/deleting records.
     F**   4) Reading the cursor positiong from the INFDS.
     F**   5) Positioning the cursor on a subfile line.
     F**   6) Positioning in the subfile via lookup.
     F** - Related source members:
     F** -   NMELSTR: Simple Name List Program
     F**     NMELSTP: Pysical file used with NMELSTR
     F**     NMELST1: Logical over NMELSTP
     F**     NMELSTS: Display File used with NMELSTR
     F** - Name list pysical - keyed on NMELST (Last Name)
     FNMELSTP   if a e           k disk
     F** - By PRIKEY
     FNMELST1   uf   e           k disk
     F                                     rename(NMELSTF:BYPRIKEY)
     F** - Subfile - lists names in alpha order, allows selection
     FNMELSTS   cf   e             workstn
     F                                     sfile(NMELSSF:RdCtr)
     F                                     infds(FileDs)
     D** - INFDS, Row, Column, Current Subfile Number, Top Subfile Number
     D** - and Total Subfile records.
     D FileDs          DS
     D  RowCol               370    371B 0
     D  SFRR#                376    377B 0
     D  TopSF#               378    379B 0
     D  TotSF#               380    381B 0
     D** - Subfile records per page
     D SFPag           C                   const(15)
     D** - Program Variables
     D @EOF            s              1
     D @SFI            s              1
     D Cancel          s              1
     C     *Like         define    RdCtr         Count                          BOT OF PGE
     C     *Like         define    RdCtr         TopCTR                         TOP OF PGE
     C     *Like         define    RdCtr         BotCtr                         BOT OF PGE
     C     *Like         define    RdCtr         iRow                           BOT OF PGE
     C     *Like         define    PriKey        @PriKey
     C     *Like         define    PriKey        SveKey
     C     *Like         define    NmeFst        SveFst
     C     *Like         define    NmeLst        SveLst
     C     *Like         define    NmeMid        SveMid
     C     *Like         define    Phone#        SvePho
     C     *Like         define    Email@        SveEma
     C** - Initialize - Load the screen
     C                   exsr      Init
     C** - Dispaly the screen, loop until F3 keyed.
     C                   exsr      Paint
     C** - Loop until F3
     C                   Dow       *inkc='0'
     C** - React to user input
     C                   select
     C                   when      *inkc='1'
     C                   leave
     C                   when      *inke='1'                                    F6
     C                   exsr      Refresh
     C                   when      *inkf='1'                                    F6
     C                   exsr      AddRec
     C                   when      *in81='1'
     C                   exsr      RollUp
     C                   when      *in82='1'
     C                   exsr      RollDown
     C                   other
     C                   exsr      Enter
     C                   endsl
     C                   exsr      Paint
     C                   enddo
     C                   seton                                        LR
     C** - Init : Initialize
     C     Init          begsr
     C** - Clear the subfile
     C                   seton                                        20
     C                   write     NMELSCTL
     C                   setoff                                       20
     C** - Load the first screen
     C     *LoVal        setll     NMELSTF
     C                   eval      RdCtr=1
     C                   eval      TopCTR=0
     C                   eval      BotCTR=0
     C                   eval      @EOF='N'
     C                   exsr      LoadSF
     C                   endsr
     C** - Paint: Paint the screen
     C     Paint         begsr
     C                   eval      RdCtr=TopCtr
     C                   write     FOOTER
     C                   exfmt     NMELSCTL
     C                   eval      TopCtr=TopSF#
     C                   endsr
     C** - RollUp: RollUp routine
     C     RollUp        begsr
     C** - We get here if rolling past last subfile record written
     C                   eval      RdCtr= BotCtr +1
     C                   exsr      LoadSF
     C                   endsr
     C** - RollDown: Rolldown Routine
     C     RollDown      begsr
     C** - We get here at BOF
     C                   endsr
     C** - Refresh: Refresh
     C     Refresh       begsr
     C                   exsr      Init
     C                   endsr
     C** - Enter: Enter keyed
     C     Enter         begsr
     C** - Here's how to get the row and column of the cursor position
     C** - You can use this to figure out which subfile line
     C** - or whatever
     C     RowCol        div       256           CrsRow            2 0
     C                   mvr                     CrsCol            2 0
     C** - Ignore the subfile if the user is positioning
     C** - otherwise iterate through the subfile
     C                   if        PosTo<>*blanks
     C                   exsr      DoPos
     C                   else
     C                   exsr      ProcSF
     C                   endif                                                  PosTo<>" "
     C                   endsr
     C** - DoPos : Position us in the subfile
     C     DoPos         begsr
     C** - Refresh the screen
     C                   exsr      Refresh
     C** - Loop until we find the string or EOF
     C                   Dow       (PosTo>@Sname)and (@EOF='N')
     C                   exsr      RollUp
     C                   enddo                                                  @POS>@SName
     C** - Position the cursor...
     C** - ...unless the last entry is less than PosTo
     C** - @SName will give us the last SName put to the SF
     C                   if        @SName > PosTo
     C                   eval      RdCtr=TopCtr
     C     RdCtr         chain     NMELSSF                            91
     C                   Dow       PosTo>SName
     C                   eval      RdCtr         =RdCtr+1
     C     RdCtr         chain     NMELSSF                            91
     C                   enddo                                                  PosTo>SName
     C                   eval      TopCtr=RdCtr
     C                   endif                                                  @SName>POST
     C                   eval      PosTo=*blanks
     C                   endsr
     C** - ProcSF: Process the subfile
     C     ProcSF        begsr
     C                   eval      Cancel='N'
     C                   for       iRow=1 to TotSF#
     C                   eval      RdCtr=iRow
     C     RdCtr         chain     NMELSSF                            91
     C                   select
     C** - Delete?
     C                   when      Select='D'
     C                   exsr      DltRec
     C** - Edit?
     C                   when      Select='E'
     C                   exsr      EdtRec
     C** - ???
     C                   when      select<>*blanks
     C                   exsr      IvdOpt
     C** - No selection here - clear the subfile error indicator
     C** - if it was set.
     C                   other
     C                   exsr      ClrSFI
     C                   if        @SFI='Y'
     C                   update    NMELSSF
     C                   endif
     C                   endsl
     C** - Vamouse outta here if Cancel
     C                   if        Cancel='Y'
     C                   eval      DspMsg='Cancelled'
     C                   leave
     C                   endif                                                  Cancel=Y
     C                   endfor                                                 1 TO IROW
     C                   endsr
     C** - LoadSF: Load a page to the subfile.
     C** - Sets @EOF to 'Y' if EOF 'N' if not.
     C** - updates TopCTR: Pointing to top of screen
     C** -         BOTCTR: Pointing to bottom of screen
     C     LoadSF        begsr
     C** - Do nothing if EOF
     C                   if        @EOF<>'Y'
     C                   eval      @EOF='N'
     C                   eval      Count=0
     C** - Loop for number of rows in the subfile
     C                   for       iRow=1 to SFPag
     C** - Next record from the database
     C                   read      NMELSTF                                90
     C** - Check for EOF...if this is first time through
     C** - we never wrote anything to the
     C** - we will write a 'nothing there' message.
     C                   if        *in90='1'
     C                   eval      @EOF='Y'
     C                   if        iRow=1
     C                   exsr      putnr
     C                   Z-ADD     1             TopCTR
     C                   else
     C                   exsr      PutEOF
     C                   endif                                                  I=1
     C                   leave
     C                   endif                                                  90=1
     C** - Put this record to the screen
     C                   exsr      PutSF
     C                   add       1             Count
     C                   endfor                                                 1 to SFPagE
     C                   eval      TopCtr=BotCtr+1
     C                   add       Count         BotCtr                         BOTTOM REC
     C                   endif                                                  Not EOF
     C                   endsr
     C** - PutSF : write a database record to the subfile
     C     PutSF         begsr
     C     *Like         define    SName         @SName
     C                   exsr      DB2SF
     C                   write     NMELSSF
     C                   eval      @SName=SName
     C                   add       1             RdCtr
     C                   endsr
     C** - putnr : Put no records in the database message
     C     putnr         begsr
     C                   seton                                        40        Prtct select
     C                   eval      SName='(no records on file)'
     C                   eval      sPhone=*blanks
     C                   eval      sEmail=*blanks
     C                   write     NMELSSF
     C                   add       1             RdCtr
     C                   endsr
     C** - PutEOF : Put end of file message
     C     PutEOF        begsr
     C                   seton                                        40
     C                   eval      prikey=0
     C                   eval      sName=*blanks
     C                   eval      sPhone='End of list'
     C                   eval      sEmail=*blanks
     C                   eval      Select=*blanks
     C                   write     NMELSSF
     C                   add       1             RdCtr
     C                   endsr
     C** - DB2SF : Database fields to subfile fields
     C     DB2SF         begsr
     C** - Clear the subfile error indicators
     C                   exsr      ClrSFI
     C                   eval      Select=*blanks
     C**- Parsing the name is much easier with RPGLE!
     C**- (Compare this routine with the RPG III version).
     C                   eval      SName=%trim(NmeLst) + ', '
     C                              + %trim(NmeFst) + ' ' + %trim(NmeMid)
     C** - The other two are easy - first 16 chars of phone number
     C** - and the first 20 or the email address
     C                   eval      sPhone=Phone#
     C                   eval      sEmail=Email@
     C                   endsr
     C** - Dlt2SF : Deleted record to subfile
     C     Dlt2SF        begsr
     C** - Clear the subfile error indicators
     C                   exsr      ClrSFI
     C** - Deleted record message
     C                   eval      Select=*blanks
     C                   eval      SName='(Deleted)'
     C                   eval      sPhone=*blanks
     C                   eval      sEmail=*blanks
     C                   endsr
     C** - ClrSFI: Clear subfile error indicators
     C** - Sets @SFI = 'Y' if an error indicator had been set
     C** - Sets @SFI = 'N' if not.
     C     ClrSFI        begsr
     C** - Add additional indicators as needed
     C** - !!! Besure to include new indicators both places
     C                   if        (*in40='1') or (*in42='1')
     C                   eval      @SFI='Y'
     C                   setoff                                       4042
     C                   else
     C                   eval      @SFI='N'
     C                   endif                                                  40 | 42=1
     C                   endsr
     C** - AddRec: Add record
     C     AddRec        begsr
     C** - NewKey sets @PriKey to a unique key
     C                   exsr      NewKey
     C                   eval      PriKey=@PriKey
     C                   eval      NmeFst=*blanks
     C                   eval      NmeLst=*blanks
     C                   eval      NmeMid=*blanks
     C                   eval      Phone#=*blanks
     C                   eval      Email@=*blanks
     C                   exfmt     DETAIL
     C** - Add the record unless Cancel.
     C                   if        (*inkc='0') and (*inkl='0')
     C** - Get primary key again in case someone
     C** - grabbed the last one.
     C                   exsr      NewKey
     C                   eval      PriKey=@PriKey
     C                   write     NMELSTF
     C                   endif                                                  KL=0
     C                   endsr
     C** - DltRec: Delete routine
     C     DltRec        begsr
     C     PRIKEY        chain     BYPRIKEY                           99
     C                   if        *in99='0'
     C                   seton                                          41
     C                   eval      Ok2Dlt='N'
     C                   exfmt     DETAIL
     C                   select
     C** - F3 Keyed? No further action if Exit
     C                   when      *inkc='1'
     C**                 noop
     C** - F12 Keyed? Set Cancel flag if Cancel
     C                   when      *inkl='1'
     C                   eval      Cancel='y'
     C** - Enter keyed here - delete if OK2DLT
     C                   other
     C                   if        Ok2Dlt='Y'
     C                   delete    BYPRIKEY
     C                   exsr      ClrSFI
     C                   exsr      Dlt2SF
     C                   update    NMELSSF
     C                   endif
     C                   endsl
     C** - Should never get here.
     C                   endif                                                  99=0
     C                   endsr
     C** - EdtRec: Edit routine
     C     EdtRec        begsr
     C     PRIKEY        chain     BYPRIKEY                           99
     C                   if        *in99='0'
     C                   setoff                                         41
     C                   dou          *inkc='1'
     C                             or *inki='1'
     C                             or *inkl='1'
     C                   exfmt     DETAIL
     C                   select
     C** - F3 Keyed? No further action if Exit
     C                   when      *inkc='1'
     C**                 noop
     C** - F12 Keyed? Set Cancel flag if Cancel
     C                   when      *inkl='1'
     C                   eval      Cancel='y'
     C** - Enter keyed OR F9 here - update
     C                   other
     C                   exsr      ClrSFI
     C                   update    BYPRIKEY
     C                   exsr      DB2SF
     C** - If that wasn't an F9, we're staying
     C** - so re-grab the record
     C                   update    NMELSSF
     C                   if        *inki='1'
     C     PRIKEY        chain     BYPRIKEY                           99
     C     RdCtr         chain     NMELSSF                            91
     C                   endif                                                  *INKI<>1
     C                   endsl
     C                   enddo                                                  KC,KI,KL
     C** - Should never get here
     C                   endif                                                  99=0
     C                   endsr
     C** - IvdOpt: Invalid Option
     C     IvdOpt        begsr
     C                   exsr      ClrSFI
     C                   eval      Select=*blanks
     C                   seton                                        42
     C                   update    NMELSSF
     C                   endsr
     C** - NewKey: Get a new Primary Key
     C     NewKey        begsr
     C                   eval      SveKey=PriKey
     C                   eval      SveFst=NmeFst
     C                   eval      SveLst=NmeLst
     C                   eval      SveMid=NmeMid
     C                   eval      SvePho=Phone#
     C                   eval      SveEma=Email@
     C     *HIVAL        setll     BYPRIKEY
     C                   readP     BYPRIKEY                               99
     C                   if        *in99='1'
     C                   eval      @PriKey=1
     C                   else
     C                   eval      @PriKey=PriKey+1
     C                   endif                                                  99=1
     C** - Like your mother said - put everything back
     C** - the way you found it.
     C                   eval      PriKey=SveKey
     C     PriKey        chain     BYPRIKEY                           99
     C                   eval      NmeFst=SveFst
     C                   eval      NmeLst=SveLst
     C                   eval      NmeMid=SveMid
     C                   eval      Phone#=SvePho
     C                   eval      Email@=SveEma
     C                   endsr

     A** - Source Member: NMELSTS
     A** - Simple Name List Program
     A** - RPG III Supfield Example
     A** - Jon Vote 09/2002
     A** -
     A** - Related source members:
     A** -   NMELSTR: Simple Name List Program
     A**     NMELSTP: Pysical file used with NMELSTR
     A**     NMELST1: Logical over NMELSTP
     A**     NMELSTS: Display File used with NMELSTR
     A*%%TS  SD  20020916  192219  VOTEJM      REL-V5R1M0  5722-WDS
     A                                      DSPSIZ(24 80 *DS3)
     A          R NMELSSF                   SFL
     A*%%TS  SD  20020915  212042  VOTEJM      REL-V5R1M0  5722-WDS
     A            PRIKEY         9S 0H
     A            SNAME         25A  O  7  9
     A            SPHONE        14A  O  7 37
     A            SEMAIL        25A  O  7 54
     A            SELECT         1A  B  7  6
     A  40                                  DSPATR(PR)
     A  42                                  DSPATR(RI)
     A  40                                  DSPATR(ND)
     A          R NMELSCTL                  SFLCTL(NMELSSF)
     A*%%TS  SD  20020916  192219  VOTEJM      REL-V5R1M0  5722-WDS
     A                                      SFLSIZ(0016)
     A                                      SFLPAG(0015)
     A                                      CF03
     A                                      CF05
     A                                      CF06
     A                                      ROLLUP(81)
     A                                      ROLLDOWN(82)
     A                                      OVERLAY
     A N20                                  SFLDSP
     A N20                                  SFLDSPCTL
     A  20                                  SFLCLR
     A            RDCTR          4S 0H      SFLRCDNBR(CURSOR)
     A                                  1 27'Simple Name List Program'
     A                                      COLOR(WHT)
     A                                  2 23'Subfile Example - Jon Vote - 2002'
     A                                      COLOR(WHT)
     A                                  5  9'Name'
     A                                  5 37'Phone'
     A                                  5 43'Number'
     A                                  5 54'Email Address'
     A                                  3 28''
     A                                      COLOR(TRQ)
     A                                      DSPATR(UL)
     A                                  6  9'-------------------------   -------
     A                                      --------   -------------------------
     A                                      -'
     A                                  3 62'Cursor'
     A                                      COLOR(YLW)
     A                                  3 69'Row:'
     A                                      COLOR(YLW)
     A                                  4 69'Col:'
     A                                      COLOR(YLW)
     A            CRSROW         2S 0O  3 76COLOR(YLW)
     A            CRSCOL         2S 0O  4 76COLOR(YLW)
     A                                  3  6'D=Delete E=Edit'
     A                                      COLOR(BLU)
     A                                  4  9'Position to:'
     A            POSTO         25A  B  4 22CHECK(LC)
     A            TOTSF#         4  0O  2 74COLOR(YLW)
     A                                  2 58'Number'
     A                                      COLOR(YLW)
     A                                  2 65'Records:'
     A                                      COLOR(YLW)
     A          R FOOTER
     A*%%TS  SD  20020915  194912  VOTEJM      REL-V5R1M0  5722-WDS
     A                                      OVERLAY
     A                                 23  2'F3=Exit'
     A                                      COLOR(BLU)
     A  13        DSPMSG        78A  O 24  2DSPATR(RI)
     A                                 23 23'F6=Add'
     A                                      COLOR(BLU)
     A                                 23 11'F5=Refresh'
     A                                      COLOR(BLU)
     A          R DETAIL
     A*%%TS  SD  20020916  164318  VOTEJM      REL-V5R1M0  5722-WDS
     A                                      CF03
     A N41                                  CF09
     A                                      CF12
     A                                  1 27'Simple Name List Program'
     A                                      COLOR(WHT)
     A                                  2 23'Subfile Example - Jon Vote - 2002'
     A                                      COLOR(WHT)
     A                                 23  2'F3=Exit'
     A                                      COLOR(BLU)
     A  13        DSPMSG        78A  O 24  2DSPATR(RI)
     A                                 23 33'F12=Cancel'
     A                                      COLOR(BLU)
     A                                  6 10'Record ID.....:'
     A            PRIKEY         9S 0O  6 26
     A                                  3 28''
     A                                      COLOR(TRQ)
     A                                      DSPATR(UL)
     A                                  7 10'First Name....:'
     A            NMEFST        15A  B  7 26
     A  41                                  DSPATR(PR)
     A                                      CHECK(LC)
     A                                  9 10'Last Name.....:'
     A            NMELST        15A  B  9 26
     A  41                                  DSPATR(PR)
     A                                      CHECK(LC)
     A                                  8 10'Middle Initial:'
     A            NMEMID         1A  B  8 26
     A  41                                  DSPATR(PR)
     A                                      CHECK(LC)
     A                                 10 10'Phone Number..:'
     A                                 11 10'Email Address.:'
     A            PHONE#        40A  B 10 26
     A  41                                  DSPATR(PR)
     A                                      CHECK(LC)
     A            EMAIL@        40A  B 11 26
     A  41                                  DSPATR(PR)
     A                                      CHECK(LC)
     A  41                             14 10'Delete record - are you sure?:'
     A                                      COLOR(RED)
     A  41        OK2DLT         1A  B 14 41
     A N41                             23 12'F9=Update and exit'
     A                                      COLOR(BLU)

     A** - Source Member: NMELSTP - Simple Name List File
     A** - Jon Vote
     A** - 09/2002
     A** - Related source members:
     A** -   NMELSTR: Simple Name List Program
     A**     NMELSTP: Pysical file used with NMELSTR
     A**     NMELST1: Logical over NMELSTP
     A**     NMELSTS: Display File used with NMELSTR
     A** - This file is used for the Name List subfile example
     A** - only and is not meant to demonstrate a properly
     A** - normalized database.
     A                                      UNIQUE
     A          R NMELSTF                   TEXT('NAME LIST')
     A            PRIKEY         9S 0       TEXT('Primary Key')
     A            NMEFST        15          TEXT('First Name')
     A            NMEMID         1          TEXT('Middle Initial')
     A            NMELST        15          TEXT('Last Name')
     A            PHONE#        40          TEXT('Phone Number')
     A            EMAIL@        40          TEXT('Email Address')
     A** - This key is being defined here to simplify the example.
     A** - Normally you should not key a physical file.
     A          K NMELST
     A          K NMEFST
     A          K NMEMID
     A          K PHONE#
     A          K PRIKEY

     A** - Source Member: NMELST1 - Simple Name List File - By PRIKEY
     A** - Jon Vote
     A** - 09/2002
     A** -
     A** - Related source members:
     A** -   NMELSTR: Simple Name List Program
     A**     NMELSTP: Pysical file used with NMELSTR
     A**     NMELST1: Logical over NMELSTP
     A**     NMELSTS: Display File used with NMELSTR
     A                                      UNIQUE
     A          R NMELSTF                   PFILE(NMELSTP)
     A          K PRIKEY

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