Simple general ledger report example.
Language(s):I-Series - RPG

This report example shows:1) Overflow record processing.2) Control breaks.3) Centering text accross the page.

     F** - Source Member: RPTESXR
     F** - RPG III Report Example using Internal Print File
     F** - Jon Vote 09/2002
     F** -
     F** - Note there is a DDS file the follows this source member
     F** - If you are copying this from the web, be sure to seperate
     F** - the source members. You will find 6 blank lines between this
     F** - member and the DDS member.
     F** - This code was written specifically for the pupose of this
     F** - and as such is rather simplified in terms of content
     F** - in favor of methodology.
     F** - This program demonstrates the following:
     F**   1) Overflow Record Processing.
     F**   2) Control breaks.
     F**   3) Centering text on the page.
     F** - Related source members:
     F** -   RPTEXR: RPG III Report Example.
     F**     RPTEXP: Pysical file used with RPTEXR
     F** - Report input file
     FRPTEXP  IF  E           K        DISK
     FQPRINT  O   F      80     OF     PRINTER
     E** - Header literals
     E                    H       1   2 72
     E** - Used to center the text
     E                    TXT        72  1
     ITEXT        DS
     I                                        1  72 TXT
     C           *LIKE     DEFN ACT#      VACT#
     C           *LIKE     DEFN SACT#     VSACT#
     C** - Initialize
     C                     EXSR INIT
     C** - Loop 'till eof
     C                     READ RPTEXF                   90
     C           *IN90     DOWEQ'0'
     C** - New page if overflow
     C           *INOF     IFEQ '1'
     C                     EXSR NEWPGE
     C                     ENDIF
     C** - Detail rec
     C                     EXSR PUTDTL
     C** - Next record
     C                     READ RPTEXF                   90
     C                     ENDDO
     C** - Finalize
     C                     EXSR FINIT
     C                     SETON                     LR
     C** - INIT: Initialize, new page
     C           INIT      BEGSR
     C                     TIME           UTIME   60
     C                     EXSR NEWPGE
     C                     ENDSR
     C** - FINIT: Finalize, footer
     C           FINIT     BEGSR
     C** - Put the last totals and grand total
     C                     SETON                     4142
     C                     EXCPTSACTTL
     C                     EXCPTACTTL
     C                     EXCPTFOOTER
     C                     ENDSR
     C** - NEWPGE: Put a new page
     C           NEWPGE    BEGSR
     C                     MOVEL'Y'       PRTACT  1
     C                     MOVEL*BLANKS   HDR1   72
     C                     MOVEL*BLANKS   HDR2   72
     C** - Center HDR1 accross the page
     C                     MOVELH,1       @CNTR  72
     C                     EXSR CENTER
     C                     MOVEL@CNTR     HDR1
     C** - Center HDR2 accross the page
     C                     MOVELH,2       @CNTR  72
     C                     EXSR CENTER
     C                     MOVEL@CNTR     HDR2
     C                     EXCPTHEADER
     C                     ENDSR
     C** - CENTER: Center the text
     C           CENTER    BEGSR
     C** - This will get the length of the string
     C           ' '       CHEKR@CNTR     L       30
     C** - Half of this subtracted from the max length will
     C** - give us the position to cetner the string
     C           72        SUB  L         L
     C           L         DIV  2         L
     C                     MOVEA*BLANKS   TXT
     C                     MOVEA@CNTR     TXT,L
     C                     MOVEL*BLANKS   @CNTR
     C                     MOVEATXT       @CNTR
     C                     ENDSR
     C** - PUTDTL: Put a detail line
     C           PUTDTL    BEGSR
     C** - Check for control breaks
     C                     SETOF                     4142
     C           ACT#      IFNE VACT#
     C                     SETON                     4142
     C                     ELSE
     C           SACT#     IFNE VSACT#
     C                     SETON                     42
     C                     ENDIF                           SACT#<>VSACT#
     C                     ENDIF                           ACT#<>VACT#
     C** - We have an account break if 41 is on and a subaccount
     C** - break if 42 is on.
     C** - Break on sub account if a change - skip first time
     C           *IN42     IFEQ '1'                        SubAcct# BRK
     C           FSTTME    IFEQ 'N'                        Skip first t
     C                     EXCPTSACTTL
     C                     ENDIF                           *IN42='1'
     C                     ENDIF                           FSTTME='N'
     C** - Break on account# if a change - skip first time
     C           *IN41     IFEQ '1'                        Acct# Break
     C           FSTTME    IFEQ 'N'                        Skip first time
     C                     EXCPTACTTL                      Out it goes
     C                     ENDIF                           FSTTME='N'
     C                     ENDIF                           *IN41='1'
     C** - Flag fist time flag
     C                     MOVEL'N'       FSTTME  1
     C** - Save the save fields
     C                     Z-ADDACT#      VACT#
     C                     Z-ADDSACT#     VSACT#
     C** - Sum the sums
     C                     ADD  COST      ATCOST 102
     C                     ADD  COST      STCOST 102
     C                     ADD  COST      GTCOST 112
     C** - If PRTACT='Y' print the account fields
     C           PRTACT    IFEQ 'Y'
     C                     SETON                     4142
     C                     ENDIF                           PRTACT='Y'
     C                     EXCPTDETAIL
     C                     ADD  1         RECCNT 110
     C                     ENDSR
     OQPRINT  E  1 1           HEADER
     O                         HDR1      72
     O                         UDATE Y   80
     O        E  2             HEADER
     O                         HDR2      72
     O                                   75 'Page: '
     O                         PAGE1 4   80
     O        E  1             HEADER
     O                                      ' Account Number '
     O                                      '  '
     O                                      'Sub Account Number'
     O                                      '      '
     O                                      'Line Item/Description'
     O        E  2             HEADER
     O                                      '----------------'
     O                                      '  '
     O                                      '------------------'
     O                                      '  '
     O                                      '------------------------'
     O                                      '-----'
     O        EF 1             DETAIL
     O                 41      ACT#      13 '   -   -   '
     O                 42      SACT#     32 '   -   -   '
     O                         LINE#     41 '  0'
     O                         DESC      67
     O                         COST      80 ' ,   ,   .  '
     O        EF 1             SACTTL
     O                                   32 '-----------'
     O                                   50 '------------------'
     O                                   70 '--------------------'
     O                                   80 '----------'
     O        EF 2             SACTTL
     O                         VSACT#    32 '   -   -   '
     O                         STCOST B  80 '  ,   ,   .  '
     O        EF 1             ACTTL
     O                                      '  ------------------'
     O                                      '--------------------'
     O                                      '--------------------'
     O                                      '--------------------'
     O        EF 2             ACTTL
     O                         VACT#     13 '   -   -   '
     O                         ATCOST B  80 '  ,   ,   .  '
     O        E  1             FOOTER
     O                                      '--------------------'
     O                                      '--------------------'
     O                                      '--------------------'
     O                                      '--------------------'
     O        E  1             FOOTER
     O                                   65 'Grand total:'
     O                         GTCOST B  80 '   ,   ,   .  '
     O        E  1             FOOTER
     O                                      '--------------------'
     O                                      '--------------------'
     O                                      '--------------------'
     O                                      '--------------------'
     O        E  1             FOOTER
     O                                      '                    '
     O                                      'Records processed:'
     O                                      ' '
     O                         RECCNT       '  ,   ,   ,  0'
** - Report headers
RPG III Report Example using Internal Print File
Jon Vote 09/2002 -

     A** - Source member: RPTEXP: File used with Report Example
     A** - Jon Vote
     A** - 09/2002
     A** - Related source members:
     A** -   RPTEXR: Simple Name List Program
     A** - This file is used for the Report Example
     A** - only and is not meant to demonstrate a properly
     A** - normalized database!!
     A                                      UNIQUE
     A          R RPTEXF                    TEXT('NAME LIST')
     A            ACT#           9S 0       TEXT('Account Number')
     A            SACT#          9S 0       TEXT('Sub Account Number')
     A            LINE#          3S 0       TEXT('Line Item Number')
     A            DESC          25          TEXT('Line Item Description')
     A            COST           9S 2       TEXT('Cost')
     A** - This key is being defined here to simplify the example.
     A** - Normally you should not key a physical file.
     A          K ACT#
     A          K SACT#
     A          K LINE#

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