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This example shows how to use the Mod operator.
Procedure ModEx;
{Author Jon Vote 11/97}
var i,j : integer;
year : word;
isLeapYear : boolean;
The modulo (Mod) operator returns the remainder when divided by.
This can be used to repeat a range of numbers over and over or to map
a large number within a range of smaller numbers:
for i := 1 to 1000 do
j := ( i mod 60); {j will go from 0 to 59, 0 to 59 - etc.}
Add a constant to range between something other than 0
for i := 1 to 1000 do
j := (i mod 12) + 1; {j will go from 1 to 12, 1 to 12 - etc.}
You can map numbers to a range - for example
convert a number greater than 360 to an angle in degrees
for i := 360 to 10000 do
j := i mod 360; {j will always be a valid angle}
Perhaps the most common use is determining leap year.
A leap year is any year divisible by 4 except for years divisible by
100 and not by 400.
year := 2024; {put whatever value you like here}
{If year mod 4 is 0, the year is divisible by 4}
if year mod 4 = 0 then {might be a leap year}
{if year mod 100 is 0, the year is divisible by 100}
if year mod 100 = 0 then
{if year mod 400 is 0, the year is divisible by 400}
if year mod 400 = 0 then
isLeapYear := true {This is a millennium leap year}
else {Wasn't divisible by 400 here - not a leap year}
isLeapYear := false
else {was divisible by 4 but not 100. It's as leap year as apple pie.}
isLeapYear := true
else {year mod 4 was not 0 - Can't be a leap year}
isLeapYear := false;
if isLeapYear then
ShowMessage(IntToStr(year) + ' it''s a leap year mattie.')
ShowMessage(IntToStr(year) + ' ain''t no leap year me bucko.');